Several injured in Houthi’s drone attack on Saudi airport

Houthi rebels have targeted Abha International Airport in the southern part of Saudi Arabia, killing one person and injuring 7 others. The attack took place as the US secretary of state is on his way to the country.

The Saudi-led military coalition, which announced the casualties, didn’t specify how the attack was carried out, but Houthi-owned Al-Masirah TV said drones were used to strike Abha and Jizan airports. The latter attack was not confirmed by anyone else.

The strike reportedly hit the airport’s parking area and the person killed was a Syrian national.

On Saturday, the coalition said that its planes had destroyed two drones, which were launched from Sanaa Governorate in Yemen, controlled by Houthis. Saudis blame Iran for supplying the rebels with high-tech equipment, while Tehran denies the charge.

It’s not the first attack on Abha. It was also struck by a missile on June 12, with 26 people injured in the incident.

Saudi Arabia and its allies intervened in Yemen in March 2015 in order to fight the Houthi rebels and help reinstate ousted President Mansour Hadi to power.

International human rights groups accuse the coalition of indiscriminate bombings, targeting hospitals, markets and other civilian infrastructure, as well as provoking a humanitarian catastrophe by blockading the country’s ports.

A recently published UN study warned that that the number of war-related deaths in Yemen could reach a staggering 233,000 by the end of the year.

Saudi-led coalition confirms Houthi missile attack on Abha airport, says 20+ people injured
FILE PHOTO: Houthi rebels on patrol

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