Trump determined to ‘devastate’ North Korea

NORTH Korea is relocating military assets in a bid to boost the nation’s military readiness in the wake of Donald Trump’s latest threat.

DONALD Trump has warned the United States is prepared to use “devastating” military action against North Korea if necessary.

The US President said the use of force is not Washington’s first option, but they will do what it takes to stop Kim Jong-un.

“We are totally prepared for the second option, not a preferred option,” he said, referring to military force.

“But if we take that option, it will be devastating, I can tell you that, devastating for North Korea. That’s called the military option. If we have to take it, we will.”

It comes as US officials said satellite imagery detected North Korean military assets relocating to the country’s east coast.

General Joseph Dunford warned North Korea will have a missile ready “soon”. Picture: Mandel Ngan

General Joseph Dunford warned North Korea will have a missile ready “soon”. Picture: Mandel NganSource:AFP


CNN reports the strategic move included a small number of fighter jets, external fuel tanks and air-to-air missiles in a bid to boost the nation’s military readiness.

It follows threats from the regime on Sunday to shoot down any US aircraft flying off its coastline even if they are in international airspace.

North Korea has been working to develop nuclear-tipped missiles capable of hitting the American mainland.

Last weekend, the nation’s foreign minister, Ri Yong-ho, said it was “inevitable” North Korean rocked would hit the United States.

He also claimed Mr Trump had issued a declaration of war when he tweeted North Korean officials “won’t be around much longer” if they continue to issue threats.


Bill Shorten warns the threat of conflict on the Korean peninsula is serious and real following a visit to the demilitarised zone.

The Labor leader said his tour with opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Penny Wong on Tuesday emphasised how the area was still trapped in the arguments of more than 60 years ago.

“The conflict and the risk to conflict is serious and it is real and we need to do everything we can diplomatically to make sure that the United Nations Security Council resolutions have their effect,” he told reporters in Tokyo on Wednesday

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